Sécher am Netz

Wéi ech meng Daten am Netz schütze kann!

Dennis "@the_metalgamer" Fink

25 Mäerz 2016

"Jugendforum" am "Kulturhaus"


Iwwert mech

Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg


Privatsphär - Firwat brauche mir et?

"What people used to call liberty and freedom, we now call privacy, and we say, in the same breath, that privacy is dead."

Source: Jacob Appelbaum
  • Bekannten Internetaktivist

"Imagine a world where there is a comprehensive and complete lack of privacy, [...] complete and constant observation of every individual. There will be no private thoughts and no private places. Every thought and every act is completely transparent from motive right through to the actual thought or behaviour. [...] Let us imagine the nature of social relationships in the transparent world. Would differentiated relationships be possible? How will your relationship with your wife or lover differ from your relationship with an official or your manager or your child? What is there to share since everything is already known?"

Source: Privacy and the Computer: Why We Need Privacy in the Information Society - Lucas D. Introna
  • Psychologeschen Effet
  • Privatssphär ass wichteg fir Perséinlechkeet

Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat von uns nichts zu befürchten!

  • Joseph Goebbels - Reichspropagandachef
  • Jiddereen huet eppes ze verstoppen

"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say"

Source: Edward Snowden

Sozial Medien - Persoun als Produit

  • Ween huet Facebook etc?

Wann de Service/Site gratis ass, dat sidd dier héchstwahrscheinlech den Produit

Wat eng Kéier am Netz ass, ass fir ëmmer do!

  • Heescht net, näischt posten
  • Mee sech bewoost sinn

Dateschutz vun aneren Léit!

  • Fotoen
  • Kontaktdaten

Alternativen zu Whatsapp & Co


  • SMS
  • MMS
  • Telefoneieren

Browser - Wat kann hei alles schifgoen?

  • Froen


Beim aloggen, ëmmer nëmmen iwwert HTTPS!

Sichmaschinn - Mäin zweet ech

“I used to say that Google knows more about what I’m thinking of than my wife does. But that doesn’t go far enough. Google knows more about what I’m thinking of than I do, because Google remembers all of it perfectly and forever.”

Source: Bruce Schneier

Passwierder - De Schlëssel zu mengen Daten

Fir all sensibelen Site, eng eegen Passphrase!

Wiesselt Passwierder, regelméisseg!

Merci, Froen?

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